Sylvie Hörning Connecting to the beauty of needs through Dyad meditation

Connecting to the beauty of needs through Dyad meditation

We invite you to join us for 7 consecutive days of Dyad Meditation sessions led by Sylvie Hörning who is Certified Trainer and Assessor with the Center for Nonviolent Communication. You are welcome to participate in one, two or all sessions, as your availibility allows.
Simone Anliker, creator of the  Dyad Inquiry Project, describes the sessions as following: “The Dyad meditation itself creates a sacred space by two people being present with and to each other. This powerful 40 minute practice in pairs has a specific structure that supports people to connect directly with their own divinity and inner wisdom, while sharing this with their partner in the process.”


The Dyad Meditation:
– supports connection with deep inner levels,
– helps us access our own inner wisdom,
– creates an intimacy we normally don’t allow in daily life,
– enhances mutual inspiration and compassion,
– has a deep transformational and healing effect.


When: every day from 20 to 26 April 2020, 7:30-8:30 (CEST)
How: ONLINE on ZOOM (we will send the link to the meeting to every registered participant at least one day before the event)
Language: English
Cost: FREE
Registrations closed
About the trainer:
Sylvie Hörning
Hello, my name is Sylvie Hörning. After having grown up in Latin America and Switzerland I studied law in Zurich. Thereafter we moved to the US, Brazil and back to Switzerland. Learning new languages and communicating with people has always fascinated me.
When I first met Marshall Rosenberg in 2006 I was equally fascinated by his approach to communication from heart to heart, where empathy for the other AND for myself is a key element. I had heard of offering empathy to others, but the concept of offering it to myself was NEW and EXCITING.
Since then I have become a certified trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication and offer workshops, seminars for groups and individuals. The fields I mostly work in are education, family matters and parenting. And as I evolve in life, it is clear to me that at the core of any communication are individuals who want to be heard and express themselves with honesty.
I started practicing NVC at home with my husband and three children. It wasn’t always easy and it never worked when I had the subtlest hidden agenda to make them do what I wanted! When I made the conscious decision to talk about my needs and hear what their needs were something shifted. We could connect at the heart level.
As I am so inspired by that way of having human interactions I enjoy passing it on and accompanying people on their own path of discovery.

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