[In English] Honesty as a minefield
What happened to you when you were honest? Has anything exploded?
We will take a closer look at our experiences, which make it difficult for us to have honesty in our relationships. We will also reflect on what we can do to make the honesty connecting rather than separating.
I will tell you about my honest adventures and what came out of it. I will also invite you to share your story.
Number of participants: maximum 20
When: 31 March 2019, 11:30-12:30 (CET)
Where: ONLINE on ZOOM (we will send the link to the meeting to every registered participant at least one day before the event)
Language: English
Cost: FREE
Register here: https://timeforhonesty.eventbrite.com
About the trainer:
Marta Kułaga
Marta is passionate about making the way we communicate more beneficial to all of us in personal and professional life. She is a certified trainer of Nonvilolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg (CNVC) and a professional coach. She also leads two companies: Leance which helps organisations set a collaborative surroundings and a kindergarten Krasnal where children develop their interpersonal skills.
Visit her website: leance.org