How to change others

How to change others

During this Zoom meeting we will find out if it’s possible to change other people. Often it is said that you can’t, but in this workshop we will examine if that’s possible.
We will mainly work with the NVC view of empathy and learn a bit of what science has found out about changing others.
When: 23 April 2020, 14:00-15:30 (CEST)
How: ONLINE on ZOOM (we will send the link to the meeting to every registered participant at least one day before the event)
Language: English
Cost: FREE
Registrations closed


About the trainer:
Joachim Berggren
Certified CNVC Trainer and communication consultant
I work with groups and individuals who want to be able to communicate better and build sustainable connections in their family, with their friends, at their workplace and in the bigger community. I am offering lectures, workshops, mediation and individual training both for individuals and for organizations.

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