Introductory lecture Honesty and empathy – how to build connection with others Empathic Way Europe

[In English] Introductory lecture “Honesty and empathy – how to build connection with others”

Are you wondering what is the secret of creating good connection with other people?
Do you want to know how to talk to them so that they understand what you mean and do not get offended or angry?
Maybe you want support and understanding, but you do not know how to ask for it and you usually suppress your emotions till the moment of explosion “for no reason”?
Imagine how it would be if you could easily get along with people in your surroundings, experiencing authenticity, empathy and acceptance…
During this lecture we would like to share with you some tips that can help you take care of the quality of the relationships you are longing for. We will present you the concept of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and offer you simple tools that you can use in your everyday life.


If you take part in this lecture you will:
  • – get to know the definition of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and its basic assumptions
  • – learn what is empathy according to NVC and how to listen with empathy
  • – gain knowledge about possible barriers in communication
  • – broaden your vocabulary describing feelings and needs
  • – learn about four steps of NVC and four basic distinctions
  • – be able to formulate more concrete requests
  • – learn how to be honest without hurting others at the same time.

If you want to learn more and practice this knowledge on the examples from your life we are inviting you also to the deepening workshop. Check the details HERE.


For whom:
For people wanting to improve their communication with others (partners, colleagues at work, friends, children, etc.), who are able to understand English.


9 January 2018 r., 18:00-20:00


Ośrodek Studiów Amerykańskich, Al. Niepodległości 22, Warsaw, Poland

About the trainers:
Time for Empathy Magdalena Malinowska Empathic Way Europe AboutMagdalena Malinowska – empathic communication trainer and coach. I support people in creating satisfying life and relationships through individual trainings and group workshops in empathic communication (NVC). My work is based on Nonviolent Communication (NVC) created by Marshall B. Rosenberg, non-formal learning methods and on Coaching for Transformation approach. I founded Empathic Way (, through which I promote Nonviolent Communication approach and teach honest and clear self-expression and listening to others with respect and empathy. Empathic Way Europe is my new project aiming at reaching people living in the whole Europe. I run the Warsaw Empathy Group, I offer training courses and individual support. I am the author of the online course “Four steps to a better relationship with others and myself” (at the moment only in Polish). I got to know Nonviolent Communication in 2010. At the moment I am on the path to CNVC certification.
Paulina Orbitowska-Fernandez Empathic Way EuropePaulina Orbitowska-Fernandez – trainer of empathic communication, coach, eduScrum trainer, teacher and ex Headmaster. I work with children, parents, teachers, business and organizations supporting them through workshops, lectures or individually. I used to work at the university and in schools in Mexico City and Warsaw (Poland). I am graduated in Political Science from the University of Szczecin, Poland. Granted a scholarship to study at the University of Salamanca, Spain, I have finished postgraduated studies in Leadership in Education and Nonviolent Communication according to Marshall Rosenberg and Train the Trainer of Nonviolent Communication studies, at Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Poland. Finished Business and Life Coaching at the School of Empathic Trainers in Warsaw. I have attended course given by Sarah Peyton “Facilitating systemic transformation through Nonviolent Communication, neurobiology, and 3d-mapping”. Privately, I am a mother of a teenage boy who is my source of love and wisdom. At the moment I am on the path to CNVC certification.


Cost and registration: 
This lecture is for free.

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