Listening circle about Life in times of Corona

Listening circle about Life in times of Corona

Being seen and heard in community is healing. In the connection to the circle lies the connection to life. This is a space where you can show up with your beauty, your shyness, your vulnerability, your questions – you are welcome just as you are.
This circle we dedicate to the topic of Life in times of Corona. The global pandemic puts us in a situation that is new for all of us to navigate. It may bring up fears, grief, helplessness, old trauma, confusion, hopes, dreams. It brings up a lot. Let us take time and space for all the different feelings to be with them, to greet them and to reconnect with our strength as individuals and as community.
Everyone is invited, no previous knowledge necessary.
[Workshop organised in frame of Time for Empathy 2021]


When: 12 March 2021, 11:30-13:00 CET (Berlin time)
Language: English
Cost: FREE


Registration closed


About the trainer:
Janne Hanoun EllenbergerJanne Hanoun Ellenberger
For years I have been active as a health practicioner and workshop facilitator. Using the wisdom of Nonviolent Communication, Body work, Circle Work, Trauma Knowledge, Homoeopathy and others: My purpose is to bring healing and connection where relationships have been disrupted – relationship to self, others or earth. Since one year I am a mother, too which still fills me with the deepest wonder.

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