21 days of small Impulses to get inspired for your unique magic quest!
Remember your own magic power.
Remember who you truly are.
For curious beings, who know, that more inner awareness contributes to your skills of navigating through life with more clarity and trust.
For open hearts, that long to live life at its fullest and are ready for an inner adventure in small inspired steps.
For courageous souls, who are willing to ask themselves inspiring and sometimes uncomfortable questions to meet parts of themselves that help you to be more who you really want to be.
I am deeply convinced that you are perfectly whole as you are. Nothing needs to be added or taken away from you. For everything that you long for, you carry all the answers in you. I am here to hold the space for the questions that need to be asked and the (inner) journey that emerges and celebrate all the small steps on the way!
I am an explorer by (inner) experience. After spending some time enjoying my first insights and life-changing explorations with Nonviolent Communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg I met „Dreambuilder“ by Mary Morrissey in 2013. It opened my mind to the idea that I can create my life-experiences consciously and added even more excitement and willingness to learn. Since then I am constantly learning, getting more and more aware of how I communicate with life and with myself. For me those two threads of communication are the basis for everything that happens outside – for how I am able to connect with other beings and how I am in contact with the material world.
100% Life = 100% Love = 100% AllIn = 100% Responsibility = 100% Freedom
Magic is nothing that needs to be earned or created or constructed. In each moment we can have access to the magic of life and to our own magic. When the magic of life and our own magic start to play together something even greater emerges. And these great things don’t have to be major big things – they can be small and subtle. If we are able to recognize them for what they are, we are heading for magnificent experiences – I call them small “magnifiencies” :-).
This Quest is for you, if you…
… want to explore your own magic power
… are ready to connect with life more consciously
… are curious what happens, if you become more “you“
… know that you are needed in these times!
… don’t only want to survive life, but want to experience life and co-create it.
Do you feel tired of being tired?
Do you feel exhausted of being exhausted?
Do you wish for more Aliveness and Joy?
I totally understand!
I know that Life = Messy and it is actually a relieving thought. I know that there is no perfect, always bright and shiny life. Life is not even supposed to be this way. Life is the chance to experience everything. Life is supposed to be a human experience. With light and dark. With joy and pain. With Laughter and Tears. With intensity and boredom. And everything in between…
Remember [your] Magic is about being able to enjoy every inch of this human experience.
You are welcomed with every inch of your human experience!
With your pain and your joy, your emptiness and your fullness and everything in between!
For your unique Quest you will get:
–tools & processes to hold the space for all of you and explore your magic powers,
–magic inspirations to fill your life with wonder,
–4 skills for caring for your integrity,
–your 11 superpowers for co-creation,
–daily rememberings for you to take on your phone background,
–live and pre-recorded sessions that guide you through the Quest,
–daily emails with access to your materials.
1st Module: Pre-Requsites
2nd Module: Magic Skills
3rd Module: Magic Superpowers
4th Module: Magic Attitude
We start on the 1th of December
for 21 days of inspiration in small inspired steps
123 EUR
BONUS: 30 Minute Session on true belonging, fear and discovering your Mantra-Process
There will be a LIVE Q&A Session along the Way – for all your Questions and further support
(Self-)Awareness and Communication Trainer (with NVC), Peace- and Conflictresearcher, Cultural- and Social Anthropologist, former Musician, Magic Seeker, Depth lover, enjoying the gifts and challenges of motherhood with 2 boys (8 and 12), on the quest of Online-Entrepeneurship since 2016, navigating through a divorce in 2018 after 16 years of togetherness by staying in deep loving connection, appreciation and respect, accepted the life-invitation to go to Nepal as peace advisor in 2019/2020, living her dream of living and working location-independent, in a deeply inspiring relationship that supports being on a constant Souljourney, in the team of Empathic Way Europe since 2019 and so much more.
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