Traps in communication
Are you curious what can go wrong while learning and implementing Nonviolent Communication? Join the conversation between Kay Rung and Joachim Berggren. They will talk about traps and pitfalls you can encounter while practicing NVC.
Learn how to avoid mistakes which can lead to frustration, lack of connection and anger in your relationships.
Kay will share his experience from teaching and living NVC for over 20 years. You will have an opportunity to ask your own questions.
[Meeting organised in frame of Time for Empathy 2021]
When: 9 March 2021, 16:30-18:00 CET (Berlin time)
Language: English
Cost: FREE
Registration closed
About the speakers:
Kay Rung
Has been working with Nonviolent Communication since 1997. He has developed a specific pedagogical model to teach mediation with NVC as an approach. He is in charge of Friare Liv longer training programs. He is interested in creating maps for navigating conflicts with more ease. Lately he works in organisations with strategic human recourse ideas that can be translated into practices. Website: www.friareliv.com