Triggered? How to give yourself empathy when upset

Triggered? How to give yourself empathy when upset

It can be hard to return to our empathetic stance toward ourselves and others when we are triggered. Come learn specific tools to lean on when triggered.
NVC can be wonderful when triggered. We use NVC combined with mindfulness to help ourselves ‘calm down’ while maintaining our honesty and integrity . Learn about how our neurobiology and trauma influence the odds of getting triggered. And learn how the practice of NVC can actually make it harder to get triggered in the first place.
[Workshop organised in frame of Time for Empathy 2021]


When: 14 March 2021, 14:45-16:15 CET (Berlin time)
Language: English
Cost: FREE


Registration closed


About the trainers:
Luciana MartinsLuciana Martins
Lu is a board member of Houston NVC, has translated NVC books, articles and events, shares NVC and Mindfulness Trainings in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English. She is the co-founder of Pause Lab and  is now on the path of becoming an NVC Certified trainer. She is a  Brazilian entrepreneur, language teacher, Certified Neuro Language Coach, Life Coach and MMTCP (US) Mindfulness trainer and has also been a Yoga teacher and Karma Sannyasin by the Bihar School of Yoga and Vedanta student for over 25 years. Her pursuit is to find ways to integrate the wisdom she has been fortunate to be in touch with in daily life  and share it with the world.
Libby SchanzmeyerLibby Schanzmeyer
Libby incorporates NVC into her practice as a certified Lifestyle Medicine physician, Life Design Coach, and most importantly, motherhood and daily life. She works as a board certified physician (pathologist), wife and mother to 3 busy boys. She lives in Texas/US with her family and has practiced NVC for 5 years. She also teaches physicians NVC. 20 years of meditation and yoga have also been a strong influence in her life. She is trauma informed and passionate about personal and interpersonal neurobiology as well as the wisdom of the body through somatic experiencing. She is completely inspired by the all encompassing aspects of NVC including: language, communication, thinking and influence.
Libby and Lu met in 2018 at the NVC IIT in Texas/US. Since then they have found great joy in practicing and exploring the NVC consciousness together, sharing empathy about what is truly alive in them.
They welcome you with open arms to learn tools and share the consciousness of NVC… and share what is alive in you.

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