Kay Rung – The empathic hierarchy, or why your mother doesn’t understand you
Would you like to know how our perspectives influence our feelings and needs? Join this workshop offered by Kay Rung and let´s understand more about these perspectives so your empathy can go beyond emotional understanding!
[Workshop organised in the frame of Time for Empathy 2023]
When: 12 March 2023, 14:45-16:15 am CET (Berlin time)
Most of the workshops during “Time for Empathy” are not recorded, so the only possibility to take part in it is to join the session. The sessions that will be recorded, we will make available to others if the quality is satisfying. We may also use parts of the recording for marketing and publicity across various media. If you do not wish to be recorded, switch off your camera and microphone for the whole duration of the session.
Language: English
Cost: FREE
To take part in this workshop, register for the “Time for Empathy” event here: https://www.empathiceurope.com/time-for-empathy/
NOTE: Register only ONCE to the whole event and receive access to all “Time for Empathy” workshops organised from 5 to 12 March 2023.
About the trainer:
Kay Rung
Empathy trainer & Publisher. Kay has been working with Nonviolent Communication since 1997. He has developed a specific pedagogical model to teach mediation with NVC as an approach. He is in charge of Friare Liv longer training programs. He is interested in creating maps for navigating conflicts with more ease. Lately, he works in organisations with strategic human resource ideas that can be translated into practices.
www.friareliv.se (Swedish)
www.friareliv.com (English)