Miki Kashtan Empathy, Expression, and Whose Needs Are on the Table Time for Empathy 2023

Miki Kashtan – Empathy, Expression, and Whose Needs Are on the Table

Have you ever had the experience of someone offering you empathy, and yet you experienced their energy as being elsewhere? Have you ever offered empathy to someone else because you wanted them to feel better? Has anyone ever spoken about themselves and yet you experienced deep support?
All of these are examples of a subtle layer of communication that brings more complexity to the empathy/honesty distinction that we learn in NVC workshops. This deeper layer is about where the emotional energy is flowing and whose needs are being held. Whether we say “I” or “you”, speak statements or ask questions, the power of our speech has a lot to do with what our heartmind is focused on. In this session, Miki plans to guide participants in discovering within themselves how to choose where to focus and how to carry that into words.
[Workshop organised in frame of Time for Empathy 2023]


When: 11 March 2023, 20:00-21:30 CET (Berlin time)
Recording: We will probably record this event and make it available to other people, if the quality is satisfying. We may also use parts of the recording for marketing and publicity across a range of media. If you do not wish to be recorded, then switch off your camera and microphone for the whole duration of the session.
Language: English
Cost: FREE


To take part in this workshop, register to the “Time for Empathy” event here: https://www.empathiceurope.com/time-for-empathy/
[Registration will be open in February 2023]
About the trainer:
Miki KashtanMiki Kashtan
Miki Kashtan has been studying, integrating, applying, and sharing Nonviolent Communication since 1993 and has accompanied thousands of people in doing the same. She is an author, a practical visionary, and the seed founder of the Nonviolent Global Liberation community which functions fully within maternal gifting principles. She blogs on the Fearless Heart and has taught and consulted on multiple continents.
http://thefearlessheart.org – my blog and other resources

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