Put your NVC skills into practice
Time for Empathy has offered a full week of workshops, and we hope you’ve learned a lot. Now it’s time to try your new skills out in a safe practice environment.
In this workshop, we will be doing role plays as a means to practice. Practicing is essential to learn NVC. Reading about it, thinking about it, or talking about it is not enough. Therefore, this session will offer you role plays in different configurations.
What is role play? Role play means engaging in practice dialogues where you can test your empathy skills, honesty skills, prepare a difficult conversation, etc. Which situation you want to practice on is up to you.
[Workshop organised in frame of Time for Empathy 2021]
When: 14 March 2021, 14:45-16:15 CET (Berlin time)
Language: English
Cost: FREE
Registration closed
About the traines:
This session will be given by Michaela Östberg and Ricardo Guillén. We are two trainers based in Sweden.
Michaela has a BSc in biomedicine and one in farmacology. Since 2018 she has participated in one IIT (International Intensive Training in NVC) and four year long NVC programs, two of which she did as assistant teacher.
Ricardo has a BSc in Sociology, and use Nonviolent Communication as a mediator in criminal cases. He has held lectures and study circles in NVC since 2013. He was trained by Friare Liv and completed their one-year education 2013-2014, their 2nd year programme 2015-2016, their mediation programme 2016-2017. He has also assisted in Friare Liv’s year 1 during 2016-2017, 2nd year programme in 2017-2018, and their mediation programme 2018-2019.
Website: www.ricardoguillen.se