Harvest the fruit of your own and other’s anger. Part 2
– 5 evenings of 2 ½ hours (including breaks) online on Zoom
– Tuesdays (2.11, 9.11, 16.11, 23 and 30.11.2021) at 19:00-21:30 CET (Berlin time)
– Price: 180 Euro. Sliding scale 140-350 Euro or 1.043-2.607 DKK
– Registration: https://empathiceurope.com/online/product/harvest-the-fruit-of-your-own-and-others-anger-part-2/
Receiving the anger of other people as a gift is possible.
This course is a continuation of Harvest the fruit of your own and other’s anger. Part 1. After getting to understand and love our own anger in the first course, we will now work on seeing the beauty in other people’s anger. This continuation course will focus on practicing dialog with angry people, and staying in the fire until we start hearing what is in the person’s heart.
The first step is to be able to stay connected to ourselves while listening. Second to remember the dynamics of anger as an expression of unmet needs mixed with judgments.
We will explore what gets in the way and makes it difficult for us to enjoy other people’s anger. For example our own feelings of fear, guilt and shame.
How we will work:
The work will involve meditation and body awareness as preparation for dialogue. The base for the workshop is Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a tool to find new ways in old conflicts. Prepare that the meetings will be experience-oriented with a minimum of theory.
We invite people who have participated in “Harvest the fruit of your own and other’s anger. Part 1” workshop.
If you have not taken part in it, but have other experiences of working with the NVC Anger Transformation Process, please send us a short email describing your experience, and we might suggest a talk with you before you sign up.
When: 2.11, 9.11, 16.11, 23 and 30.11.2021 (Tuesdays) at 19:00-21:30 CET (Berlin time)
How: Online on Zoom (we will send you the link to the meeting after registration, check your email!).
To participate you need a stable internet connection, your preferred device with microphone and camera, pen and notebook.
What do you get:
– 5 online workshops
– Online platform with recordings and a forum
– Handouts with theory and exercises
– The certificate of participation
Price: 180 Euro. Sliding scale 140-350 Euro or 1.043-2.607 DKK
Recordings included! It is not possible to buy only recordings – to receive them you need to be an active participant of the online workshop.
Note: If you are from Denmark, you can pay 1.043-2.607 DKK directly to Kommunikation for Livet at Folkesparekassen 9860-0000729795. Mark the payment “Anger Part II”. Kirsten will send you a receipt after receiving the payment.
How to use the sliding scale
Our preference is to receive 180 Euro per person for this course.
We want to acknowledge that we have very different living conditions from country to country and from person to person. So you might live for example in Iceland where the parity rate indicates that 180 Euro in Denmark equals 230 Euro in Iceland. Or you might live in Hungary where the parity rate equals 86 Euro.
We also want to acknowledge that we have very big differences from person to person. You might live in a so called poor country and have access to abundant ressource. Or you might live in a so called rich country and struggle to pay your day to day expenses.
Please use the sliding scale with awareness of this.
If you give more than 180 Euro, together we can support another person to participate for less.
If you have any questions, please, send a message to: contact@empathiceurope.com
About the trainer:
Kirsten Kristensen (Denmark)
Kirsten is a family therapist, mediator and certified trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication, through which she has led Nonviolent Communication trainings in Europe, Asia and the Americas. For 25 years, Kirsten has devoted her working life to supporting others in personal development. Her passion is to contribute to the personal development and healing that enables people to move closer to conflicts and to grow the relational competencies that support social change work. She enjoys working with body, mind and energy consciousness that leads to connection beyond words. People who experience Kirsten’s training and facilitation often express enjoyment of how she models what she teaches with a drizzle of humor.
Website: www.kirstenkristensen.com
Empathic Way Europe: www.empathiceurope.com
Kommunikation for Livet: kommunikationforlivet.dk
Opinions from participants:
“Anger Management is key to life and relationship building. ‘Harvest the fruit of your own and other’s anger’ by Kirsten brought a powerful transformative shift within me. The whole program is full of insight, practical examples and participative activities that enabled me to learn very useful insights and at the same time have fun and connection as a group.” Manoj Keshav, Founder, NxtNLP Research Institute, India
“The workshop put into perspective what my anger is guiding me towards. The benefits are that it made me look at the bigger picture, to look beyond the feelings and towards finding solutions in these situations. I learned how to be softer, whilst still effective in situations were previously I had thought I should use my anger as a life force. The anger is a signal, rather than a method of communicating now.” Rosanna Ward
“Kirsten is showing NVC in action. It is a gift to experience her living it.” Margareta
“I discovered in this workshop that anger is not scary, it just needs to be cared for in a different way.” Rasha
“I was surprised by what I discovered about myself exploring one incident. A random incident at work seemed a rich vein of self-discovery. Touching on the Beauty of the Need seemed to open the possibility of a more fulfilling, richer life.” HJ
“That is not important how much the anger is huge. There is a need there that is screaming… I became surprised how much life energy and dream live in my anger.”