10 mourning zoom talk with ida rump the needs year empathic way Europe

The Need for Mourning – Zoom Talk with Ida Rump

The Needs’ Year makes a guest appearance in Time for Empathy!

The workshop begins with a Zoom talk about the need for mourning between Joachim Berggren and Ida Rump
After 45 minutes, Joachim talks about the project The Needs’ Year and reflects on the insights about needs he has received during the first 10 weeks of the project.
Registration: This Zoom talk is available for people who register to “Time for Empathy 2022” HERE and to those who register for “The Needs’ Year” HERE!
If you have already subscribed, link to the Zoom will be sent to you by email. You can also find it on the online platform if you are a Premium subscriber.
Date of the Zoom Talk: 12 March 2022
Time: 11:30-13:00 (CET/Berlin time)
Recording: We plan to record this event and make it available to other people. We may also use parts of the recording for marketing and publicity across a range of media. If you do not wish to be recorded, then switch off your camera and microphone for the whole duration of the session.
The recording will be available to the Premium subscribers of “The Needs’ Year” few days after the meeting.
If you are interested in other Zoom Talks that will be organised in the frame of the Needs’ Year, read more and register HERE.
Besides, we invite you to read a blog post about mourning by Joachim Berggren – it will be published on Empathic Way Europe’s web site Monday the same week as the Zoom Talk.

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